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"Zimmerdenkmal" 2013

Kim Böse

temporary exhibition project: 3 to 17 March 2013

In front of the home of the Bremen artist Kim Böse, six stumbling blocks of the artist Gunter Demnig admonish the Jewish family Lundner, who was deported by the Nazis in 1938 and murdered in Auschwitz in 1942. Kim Böse and eight other artists have set a temporary memorial to the family in the house from 3 to 17 March 2013.

At the front door were symbolic references to the parents Chana and Salomon Lundner and their four children Israel, Beate, David and Ella appropriate. A tile painting on the kitchen wall showed a bright green tree of life of the family Lundner. Of the 49 family members in this tree, 41 were murdered by the Nazis. In the dining room, a tear-off calendar showing the date of October 27, 1938 pointed to the day the Lundners were deported to Poland. In the garden of the house, the artists erected two bronze sculptures exactly at the site where an apple tree originally stood after a photograph from the 1930s.

In collaboration with Miriam Wurster, Svenja Wetzenstein, Kathrin Thermer, Uwe Teichmann, Reinhard Schimke, Hans-Jürgen Schlüter, Eva Merz, Claudia Krentz.


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